Science Fair Projects Experiments


Kids Projects

Looking for Lift


The objective: The objective of my project was to see if more wing curvature generated more lift.


Four airfoils (wings) were designed and constructed, each with differing heights of 0 cm, 2.0 cm, 3.5 cm, and 5.0 cm.

The 0 cm wing had no curvature.

As the heights increased, the amount of wing curvature was also increased, with the 5.0 cm wing having the most curvature.

A 10 in. desk fan facing the leading edge of each wing was used as a wind source.

Each wing was tested at least three times, and the amount of lift generated was measured and recorded.


The wing with the most curvature (5.0 cm) did not lift the highest of all the wings, but it was the most stable. This wing also took longer to achieve consistent lift and had the smallest angle of attack. The wing with the least amount of curvature (0 cm) lifted the highest, yet was the most unstable and turbulent.


My conclusion is that more wing curvature increases stability but not lift. Some factors that may have affected the outcome: Weight of each airfoil, wing shape and dimension, type of materials used, and wind and weather conditions (experiments were conducted outdoors).

This project is to test if more wing curvature increases the amount of lift generated.

Science Fair Project done By Matthew Wong



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