Tadpole Development and Temperature
The Objective : The objective of my project was to determine if water temperature had an effect on the rate of leopard frog tadpole development and metamorphosis.
I raised twenty-four leopard frog tadpoles in three ten gallon tanks, each a different temperature. (18 degrees Celsius, 21 degrees Celsius, and 24 degrees Celsius). I meausured their change in length and their progression through metamorphosis.
Tadpoles in the warmer water (21 degrees Celsius, and 24 degrees Celsius) were found to begin and complete metamorphosis faster than the the tadpoles in the colder water (18 degrees Celsius).
The results of my experiment suggest that warmer water temperature increases the rate of metamorphosis in leopard frog tadpoles.
The focus of this experiment was to determine if water temperature affects the rate of development and metamorphosis in leopard frog tadpoles.
Science Fair Project done By Margot L. Barker
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