Kids Projects

Plant Breath

The Objective : My project was to determine if certain plants remove more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than others. I believe that some plants have greater potential for reducing global warming than others.


Four plants of different species were each put into a separate biochamber. Each biochamber contained a carbon dioxide sensor and an oxygen sensor.

In another biochamber, I placed a light sensor and temperature sensor so that I could correlate carbon dioxide and oxygen readings with light and temperature data.

All of the sensors were attached to hand-held units which would record the readings.

I then placed each biochamber in the sun from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and brought them inside until the next day. I repeated this process for three days.


Of the four plants tested, catnip consistently showed greater declines in carbon dioxide levels compared to the other three plants.


My conclusion is that, based on the data, certain types of plants have greater potential for reducing the effects of global warming than others.

This project was to determine if certain plants are more effective at removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than others, and therefore have greater potential for reducing the effects of global warming.

Science Fair Project done By Daniel M



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